Client feature: Izandla ZeAfrika
Who is Izandla ZeAfrika?
The name Izandla ZeAfrika means “Hands of Africa” in Zulu. The company is a registered, faith-based Non-Profit Organisation in Northern KwaZulu-Natal involved in various projects ranging from play groups, youth empowerment, outreaches, material relief and other charity work. Originally founded by Tarryn and Christoff Bell, Izandla ZeAfrika now includes various caregivers, occupational therapists, social workers, doctors and more. Many of the team members are volunteers.

What we like
The passionate way in which the staff and volunteers of this NPO invest in their community and especially those whom society has given up on, is remarkable. We are particularly inspired by their latest project: the Butterfly Home, a foster care home providing end-of-life care to abandoned or orphaned babies in need of special medical care. Definitely a good cause if your company is looking for ways to give back! Read more on their website:

What we do for them
website design and maintenance, corporate ID including logo design and business cards, brochures, signage