New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

The holidays are long gone and we’re solidly in mid-January, you’re returning to your regular routine and finding yourself thinking “now what?” To help you chase away those back-to-work blues there’s nothing better than an energising game plan for the year ahead. While you may have a list of personal New Year’s resolutions already, we’d like to offer some suggestions for goals for your small business in 2019:

1. Improve your website
Is your business website still working for you? Has it been updated recently and is your content still fresh and relevant? If not, the new year could be a good time to update your site, even if it just means writing a new blog article, adding new images or improving your SEO by revising your content. Or you might want to make your website more mobile-friendly or upgrade your basic website to include e-commerce functions and allow customers to shop or order online.
If you’d like to discuss ideas for freshening up your website feel free to contact us. For those who have yet to launch their first business website, we are still running our holiday special until the end of the month. Read more here: Holiday Promotion!

2. Rethink your social media strategy
If you’re not using social media to promote your business, it’s probably high time to start. Explore which platform is the best for your type of business. If you do already have a presence on one or more social networks, evaluate how your strategy has been working for you and make adjustments.
Don’t have time to deal with social media for your business? We’re happy to help! Contact us about monthly social media management plans.

3. Revise your offering
The new year is usually a time when we revise our prices to keep up with inflation, but could also be the perfect opportunity to introduce a few new services or package deals to offer your clients. What are the popular products or services which your customers find valuable? Decide how can you offer these in a new way and create an attractive special or combo deal to bring in more business.

4. Build your team
This does not necessarily mean employing new staff, but could simply be utilizing the team members you have more effectively. Divide tasks and responsibilities in a way that works and plays to everyone’s strengths. Or outsource certain functions to external companies and freelancers to leave you more time for what you need to focus on.

5. Promote your business more
This can take on many forms, but should be done consciously. It might be time for allowing yourself a proper budget for online or printed advertising, resolving to attend at least one expo this year, focussing on networking more or getting a marketing person on your team. It could even just mean branding your car or listing your company on more online directories.

6. Learn something new
Keep growing! Learning a new skill or expanding your knowledge and experience not only makes you a better service provider, but also keeps you and your staff inspired and motivated. This can either happen directly, for example by signing up for relevant courses or seminars; or indirectly by taking on new challenging projects to stretch your abilities and broaden your horizons.

7. Work smarter
You’re probably already working hard and giving your business everything you’ve got, but remember that sometimes there are ways of getting the job one more efficiently. Pushing yourself to the limit does not always result in productivity. Delegate where it makes sense, cut activities that aren’t useful, take time out to think. Often your best new business brainwaves come when you’ve had a relaxing change of scenery or are playing around with creative ideas without any pressure. So resolve to take your coffee breaks, book vacation time and sometimes switch off your phone. Also make your office environment itself a place of focus and productivity, but also fun and inspiration.
Finally it’s important to set realistic goals and make your New Year’s resolutions achievable. Even if you only focus and improve on one of your ideas, the results could be amazing. Here’s to a great 2019!